The Complete Guide to Raising Your Puppy


Do you ever wonder what your puppy is thinking as they explore their big new world? What would possess them to dig through the garbage or chew your new leather shoes? And like most of us, do you find it impossible to get angry when they turn that look of innocent love and adoration on you? These are all normal questions related to raising your puppy.

Puppy behavior baffles and frustrates the most conscientious of dog parents, and rightfully so. This adorable ball of fur is now a member of your family and you want to trust that they will not destroy your belongings and your home. You also hope they will be a gentle and loving companion for your children.

In order to achieve this goal, you have to be in control of your puppy at all times and that requires a lot of time and effort on your part. But the results are certainly worth it.

Raising a puppy is your responsibility. Your puppy must learn appropriate behavior from you. In addition to learning how to behave around people and other animals, they must learn the difference between a chew toy and your favorite down comforter.

These lessons need to be taught in a calm, gentle, and consistent manner. The reward for all of this hard work is a gentle, well-behaved dog that is a joy for you and other people to be around.

You are the alpha leader

While we will never understand certain behaviors of dogs, such as why they chase their tail, we know that dogs are pack animals. The leader of the pack is the alpha dog. If you do not establish yourself as “alpha” immediately, an aggressive puppy may take over the pack. This can result in an unruly, dangerous dog.

With no limits or boundaries, your dog may pester you continuously for treats, climb all over the furniture, and drag you down the sidewalk on walks. In a worst-case scenario, your dog may become aggressive as they get older, guarding their food and perceived “territory” from intruders (including you and your family). This could even escalate into biting.

Some dog trainers advocate physical intimidation to establish dominance, such as flipping a dog over to expose their most vulnerable part — their belly — or even biting their muzzle. But there are kinder and gentler ways to do this which will accomplish the goal of raising your puppy well without frightening the dog and/or promoting aggression.

Most dogs are quite happy to have a defined leader. This promotes a feeling of security by knowing that someone is there to tell them what to do. It also helps them gain confidence as they learn. A good pack leader projects strength by using a calm, steady voice at all times, remaining calm in situations that the dog finds unsettling, and by rewarding good behavior.

A good starting point is to teach your dog to sit and lie down. This submissive posture commanded by you reinforces your dominance in her life. If you have trouble getting your leadership established, talk to your veterinarian or an animal behaviorist about special exercises that allow you to establish yourself as an alpha leader without aggression.

Social interaction

Socialization is an extremely important part of your puppy’s life, one that lays the foundation for much of their future behavior.

Puppies are like sponges — they absorb an amazing amount of crucial information about their world. They learn that the sound of the can opener means food or that the opening of the back door means playtime.

While puppies are learning many things on their own, the pet parent’s job is to train the puppy to bond with people as well as other animals and to help them learn to be comfortable in unfamiliar situations. This one small bit of training is one of the most important for your dog. The better they are able to cope in a strange situation or around unfamiliar people and animals, the less likely they are to become defensive and attack another animal or person in a difficult situation.

How to start socialization

The first step to socializing a puppy is to establish a bond between them and your family. Spend plenty of time with your puppy. Play, groom, pet, feed, and talk in a calm quiet voice with your puppy. Let them see that they can depend on you for food, affection, and calm, gentle leadership.

Once your puppy feels secure with you and your family and they have received all of their vaccinations, it’s time to introduce them to the big, wide world outside of your house. Take them everywhere you can — to the park, to visit friends and relatives, to go shopping in dog-friendly stores. Give your puppy plenty of opportunities to meet friendly people and well-socialized dogs. Remember that all of your puppy’s interactions, especially with children, should be supervised.

If your puppy acts nervous when they find themself in a strange situation, or exhibits aggression at a strange dog, do not scold them. Raising your voice only increases your puppy’s tension. On the other hand, if you comfort them, they learn that they can get a lot of attention from you whenever they react in a frightened or aggressive manner to new situations.

The best way to handle it is to distract your puppy in some manner that does not involve food. Offer them a favorite toy or a chew stick or initiate a favorite game. When they become absorbed in the distraction and ignore the scary situation, shower your puppy with praise. They’ll soon learn new situations mean fun and play. They’ll be well on their way to becoming a proper little socialite with the tools they need to cope with any situation.

Keep training positive

Most dog parents focus on the negatives during puppy training. They don’t want the puppy to potty on the floor, chew or jump up on the furniture, or jump on visitors. This can be confusing to a puppy.

The best way to prevent unwanted behavior is to offer a positive alternative to the unwanted action. Teach your puppy what response you want from them. If they start doing the potty dance, circling around and sniffing the floor, take them outside right away. Keep a close watch on them and as soon as they relieve themself, reward them with praise or a treat. Now they are learning that going outside to potty is a good thing.

If you catch your puppy chewing on something inappropriate, remove it and offer them a toy. When they’re chewing on one of their toys, reward them.

Rewarding good behavior and keeping your dog distracted from unwanted behaviors is the key to effective training. Watch for these good behaviors, such as sitting down in front of you instead of jumping on you, and reward them with treats, praise, or special attention from you.

Proper training evolves over time and it takes commitment from the entire family. Everyone must agree to respond in the same manner to any behavior, good or bad.

Remember, good training takes persistence and patience. Your puppy will make some mistakes and they may destroy some of your belongings as they learn, but remember that they’re eager to please you. They only need your guidance, attention, and a strong dose of love to become the wonderful, well-behaved dog you know they can be.

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