February Pet Horoscopes: What the Stars Have in Store for Dogs and Cats


The beginning of February is going to make us think hard and a lot, due to all its airy energy, while the end of the month will add emotion to the mix. These are juxtaposing energies with the potential to change our worlds, but with purpose and intention, we can deal with them constructively.

Here’s a run down of the cosmic energy coming your way this month:

  • Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and confidence, enters Aquarius on February 1st. This brings an airy and aloof vibe to Venusian matters.
  • The new moon (the alignment of the sun and the moon in the same signs) occurs in Aquarius on February 11th. This will be the beginning of major progress and growth.
  • Austere Saturn, who’s in Aquarius, and revolutionary Uranus, who’s in Taurus, square off on February 17th. These planets will connect again on June 14th and December 24th. Expect to hear about major worldly transitions and changes happening during these times.
  • The Sun enters dreamy Pisces on the 18th, heightening our intuition and inner visions for the next month.
  • Mercury ends its retrograde journey on the 20th/21st. This is the completion to the planetary moonwalk that began on January 30th in Aquarius. Communication and travel will begin to normalize, after weeks of being haywire.
  • Tender Venus enters Pisces on February 25th, heightening our quest and need for romance.
  • The full moon (when the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of Earth) in Virgo on February 27th, urging us to reflect and make important decisions.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Darling Aries, there would be no party in this life without you here to turn up the volume, spike the dog bowl, and drag the shyest pups over to the dance floor! It’s your month to horse around and have fun with your BFFs. Be careful of your tendency to go overboard, especially on the 11th. It’s advisable to bring a friend who keeps you from crashing. Aside from that, have a ball!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Rise and greet the sun! While you may have spent last month retreating from the world, you’ll feel full of life during the new moon on February 11th. It’s time to awaken from your daydreams and take action to achieve your goals during the full moon on February 27th. We know you like to move slow and steady, and that’s OK as long as you’re truly committing yourself to a dream.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

This month brings power struggles at home with your pet parents. While you have successfully taken steps to be closer with them, you’re still in the position of fighting for the changes you believe in (such as who gets to sleep on which side of the bed and what cat litter you like). Don’t take this situation to heart, especially on on February 27th when things will seem really tough. Believe in yourself and be persistent to reach your goals!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Bonding issues may surface on February 1st and 11th, forcing you to hide within your cocoon in order to reflect and cope with your sensitivities. Try not to give in to cynicism (both from yourself and others) in the face of your fear on the 17th, as you are in for a lesson about opening up and being comfortable with vulnerability during the full moon on February 27th. Share your true self with your family.

Leo  (July 23 – August 22)

Love is exciting and new this month for you, Leo. Prepare to feel like you’re walking on sunshine on February 1st, when your crush asserts their feelings through poetic communication. Your newfound romance blossoms during the new moon on February 11th. Expect the 17th to cause fireworks to erupt—in a good way! The rest should be smooth sailing for you. FYI: Your relationship will deepen during the full moon on February 27th.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This month, let your emotions be driven by your core truth: How do you really feel? What do you truly desire? You don’t need to know how things will end to start living your life. Abandoning your hang ups and fears is no small task, but diving into the emotional abyss, however cloudy it may be, will prove to be a fruitful adventure for you during the full moon on February 27th.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Reconnecting with friends may bring old memories to the forefront of your mind, causing you to reevaluate key life decisions you’ve recently made. While you stroll down memory lane during Mercury’s backspin, focus on learning from these experiences rather than dwelling on them. When Pisces season begins on February 18th, direct your energies to better understand how the past fits into the present, and use that knowledge to plan the next steps of your journey.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Relationships are hard and require work, but sometimes you have to know when to let go of a situation that’s no longer allowing you to live your best life. These partnerships and friendships will be tested on February 17th. You’re seeing that some of your so-called pals have ulterior motives. Learning who your real friends are will help you cut the cord and disconnect with frenemies who don’t have your back during the full moon on February 27th.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This month, it’s time to grow up. Learning to express yourself and advocate for your needs will benefit you, especially when it comes to communicating with your pet parent during the new moon on the 11th. But don’t let your passionate emotions get the best of you on the 17th and 18th and act on your impulses; prove that you can act your age, not your paw size.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

While you are too proud to ask for a confidence boost, you need one, and your friends sense this by giving you a little pep talk on the 1st. Allow their belief and trust in you  to elevate your self-esteem and lift your spirits during the new moon on February 11th and February 17th. The full moon on the 27th will reveal just how far you’ve come in the attitude department.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The new moon on 11th ignites conflict within your relationships, allowing past issues and rivalries to engulf you and your pack at the dog park. While the toxic drama may intrigue you, try taking a step away from the situation—it will burn you the most if you engage. You’ll be seeking resolution or forgiveness by February 18th, but don’t worry, all will be forgotten when Mercury goes direct on February 20th/21st.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Hibernating for the first half of the month has given you the playful energy that you need on the 18th, when you begin your solar return (AKA your birthday month). By the time the 25th rolls around, you’ll be feeling yourself on a deeper level and wanting to socialize with your crew. Having the time to decompress and de-stress earlier in the month allows you to reach peak energy during the full moon on the 27th.

Further Reading

January Pet Horoscopes: What the Stars Have in Store for Dogs and Cats

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