(Picture Credit: Ulianna/Getty Images)
Americans love to spend money on their pets. A lot of this money goes to great things like toys, beds, and vaccinations. A lot of it also goes to over-the-counter treatments for ailments such as belly aches, the runs, and fleas.
With Holistic Pet Day coming up on August 30th, you may be looking out for some alternative treatments that can spare your pup from side effects and, just maybe, spare your wallet from losing weight.
While we here at DogTime love the DIY and green spirit that has taken a hold of the internet, we always advise talking to your vet about issues your pup may be having. Before you make any changes to your dog’s treatment, discuss the suggestions below with your veterinarian. Safety first!
Oh, and click here if you missed our first five home remedies for dogs! Here are five more natural home remedies for your pup.
To Stop Fleas Before They Start: Nematode Worms
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock)
Worms may not be the first thing you think of to combat fleas, but it’s true. Beneficial nematode worms, available at your local garden shop and pet stores, love to eat flea larva.
If your pup spends a lot of time outside, consider buying some nematode worms to keep in your garden or front yard.
For Dry Skin: Vitamin E Massage
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock)
If your pup is suffering from itchy, flaky skin, consider giving them a nice massage with Vitamin E oil. Vitamin E is full of antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause wrinkles and dryness.
You can also administer vitamin E orally, but be sure to check with your vet for the proper dosage for your dog.
For Mild Vomiting Or Diarrhea: Pedialyte
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock)
If your dog has been vomiting or having diarrhea, or if it’s a particularly hot day, put some pedialyte into their water to quickly replace electrolytes.
Not only will this formula, created for human babies, help replace electrolytes quickly, but it will also replenish essential minerals like potassium and sodium.
Again, if your pup is experiencing a high amount of vomiting or diarrhea, always consult your vet.
For Aches And Pains: Epsom Salt
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock)
Dogs can be a lot like children. They run around like maniacs, and sometimes, they can get hurt. If your dog takes a nasty spill, give them a warm bath filled with epsom salt.
The salt will help reduce swelling and healing time, especially combined with any necessary antibiotics and treatment from the right vet.
If your dog is particularly active, it may also be a good idea to get a first-aid kit together in case of future tumbles and falls.
For A Skunked Dog: A Mix More Effective Than Tomato Juice
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock)
We’ve all heard that soaking in tomato juice is the most effective way of getting rid of the unfortunate stink that comes with a skunk encounter. Turns out that a few items in your medicine cabinet may prove more effective.
Combine a quart of three percent hydrogen peroxide, a quarter cup of baking soda, and a teaspoon of liquid dish soap, and carefully apply the mixture to your dog’s coat. Be sure to avoid the eye area.
Only leave it on for a couple minutes, as the peroxide can bleach their fur. Then rinse, shampoo, and rinse again. Be sure to wear gloves so as not to spread the smell onto yourself.
To reiterate, always check with your vet before self-diagnosing and treating your dog.
Have you tried any of these treatments for your pup? Do you have any other home remedies you use for your dog? Let us know in the comments below!