Holistic Pet Day: 5 More Natural Home Remedies For Canine Conditions


(Picture Credit: Ulianna/Getty Images)

Americans love to spend money on their pets. A lot of this money goes to great things like toys, beds, and vaccinations. A lot of it also goes to over-the-counter treatments for ailments such as belly aches, the runs, and fleas.

With Holistic Pet Day coming up on August 30th, you may be looking out for some alternative treatments that can spare your pup from side effects and, just maybe, spare your wallet from losing weight.

While we here at DogTime love the DIY and green spirit that has taken a hold of the internet, we always advise talking to your vet about issues your pup may be having. Before you make any changes to your dog’s treatment, discuss the suggestions below with your veterinarian. Safety first!

Oh, and click here if you missed our first five home remedies for dogs! Here are five more natural home remedies for your pup.

To reiterate, always check with your vet before self-diagnosing and treating your dog.

Have you tried any of these treatments for your pup? Do you have any other home remedies you use for your dog? Let us know in the comments below!

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