17 Dogs in Pools That Are Pure Summer Vibes


Now that summer’s here, we may all find ourselves daydreaming about a glorious sun-filled day, spent poolside. These 17 dogs are here to show you how to really make this summer the best ever, and might even make you feel a little jealous of their pool getup and floats.

Loungin’ Dood

It looks like he’s saying “there’s room for one more!”


Cue the music and a still pool for the perfect afternoon float. Pretty sure we could watch this all day.

Safety First!

With that sun hat and the life jacket, this pupper takes floating very seriously!

Hold My Calls

If the perfect afternoon existed, we’re pretty sure it would look like this.

Wading > Swimming

When you want to enjoy the pool, but prefer to stay on the shallow side.

Pink Pupper

Does a cooler pool pup exist? We think not!

Vacation Mode: ON

When the dog claims the new pool float, then that’s that!

Another Day, Another Nap

Flamingo AKA pool float, water bobber, chin rest, pure magic.

Best. Day. Ever.

Now THAT is one lucky dog!

Summer Siesta

Pretty sure we all have pool envy right about now. Maybe even nap envy too!

This Pool Boy, Swoon

Smiles all around for this water doggo!

If I Fit, I Sit.

Honestly, who needs a full-sized pool when this will do?

C’est La Vie

It looks like this smol puppy just realized that swimming is in his DNA.

Three’s a Crowd!

Is it just us, or do you have a sudden urge to want to be in the “in” crowd with these dogs?!

Beep Beep

Steps for the perfect day: find a pool, get in your float, close your eyes, and get your bobbin’ on.

Push Me To The Poolside Bar

One large water, STAT!

So Much Time, Such Little to Do

And just like that, this summer has gone to the dogs.

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