(Picture Credit: Chris Amaral/Getty Images)
Ah, bread — a treat as tempting to the olfactory senses as to the taste buds, and as tempting to dogs as it is to humans. But can dogs safely eat bread? You’re probably asking this if you want to share a bite of your sandwich or toast with your pooch, or maybe your dog accidentally snagged a bite of bread while you weren’t looking.
So, can you share a slice with your four-legged friend when they come begging? The short answer is maybe; it depends what’s in that slice.
Here’s what you need to know about whether you can share a bite of bread with your dog.
The Wonder Of Wonder Bread For Dogs
Experts agree that a small amount of plain white or wheat bread shouldn’t harm your dog, provided they don’t have a wheat allergy. But as with humans, it’s important not to over-indulge on this carb-heavy food that’s high in calories and low on nutrients.
Be sure to check the ingredient list carefully. You’ll want to avoid giving your dog anything with raisins, garlic, nuts, or xylitol — an artificial sweetener.
These have varying degrees of toxicity for canines and can cause anything from diarrhea to pancreatitis or even renal failure.
Are There Benefits Of Bread For Dogs?

(Picture Credit: vgajic/Getty Images)
Outside of being a tasty occasional treat, bread has fiber, especially whole-wheat or other grain-based breads, which could be a benefit to your dog’s diet if they’re lacking.
However, you must talk to your vet before adding bread as a regular nutritional supplement, as there may be healthier options.
Some people use bread to calm a dog’s upset stomach, but vets agree that plain white rice is a safer bet.
No Raw Dough, Though
While their ancestors may have eaten meat raw, one thing dogs should never eat raw is bread dough.
The warmth of a dog’s stomach acts as an oven of sorts, and once the dough enters, it continues to rise, bloating and distending the gut.
Even worse, ethanol, a by-product of the bread’s yeast, can make your dog drunk. If you know your dog ate raw dough, or if you see signs of alcohol toxicosis, like seizure, depression, weakness, hypothermia, unsteady walking, or even coma, then you must call your vet immediately.
So, the next time Fido is giving you puppy-dog eyes for a treat, you can consider giving them plain bread — just be sure to check the ingredients, make sure the bread is fully baked, and give a small amount.
Of course, petting need not be moderated.
If you want to take the guesswork out of what foods your dog can eat, you should try ordering fresh, custom meals for your dog delivered to your door from NomNomNow! Click here to get 20% off your first order!
Does your dog ever sneak a bite of your bread? Do they enjoy it? Then let us know in the comments below!