How To Find The Best Dog-Proof Litter Box

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Dogs and cats don’t always get along—but some dogs just love the cat litter box. The reason for this odd dog attraction could be anything from the evolutionary link to their wolf ancestors, an environmental trigger, boredom…or, they may just find cat waste to be an irresistible delicacy. I know, ew.

Not only is the possibility of your dog getting sick from eating cat feces concerning, but having a dog who likes to raid the litter box also means you spend more time cleaning. Dogs who play in the litter box leave a mess and you’re justified in being sick of cleaning it up every time.


So what can you do to stop it?

While the easiest answer would be to relocate the litter box somewhere your dog can’t access it, this is not always possible. So if you can’t move the litter box, you’ll have to swap it out for something your pooch can’t access. To find the best fit for your situation, you’ll have to consider factors such as whether you have any space constraints, and if you want the litter box disguised in any way.

With that in mind, here are our top picks for dog-proof litter boxes in 2019.

This closed litter box is designed to not only prevent cats from tracking litter out of their boxes but also to keep your dog from sticking his head where it doesn’t belong. With a small opening at the top and the litter at the bottom, dogs will be hard pressed to access this litter box. Many of the reviewers note this litter box’s success in deterring their dog from playing with its contents.

As an added bonus, the design of the box also helps prevent your cat from tracking litter through the house. The top of the litter box has grooves to capture litter stuck to your cat’s paws.

Helpful Review:  “We have tried every type of cat litter box, including self-cleaning. This simple box was the answer we were looking for. Couldn’t keep the dog out of the box until now. He walked up to it, sniffed the side of it and walked away. No interest in eating treats out of the box.”

Buy Now on Amazon for $24.99

This Booda Dome litter box has over 3000 reviews, with many dog owners happy expressing relief their pooch is now unable to help themselves to a cat poop treat. This domed box puts the litter away from the entrance, meaning your dog cannot just reach inside and help themselves. With the litter compartment slightly recessed below the stairs, your dog would have a tough time reaching the litter even if he managed to stick his head in. 

The domed roof gives your cat privacy and hides the litter box from view (litter boxes don’t exactly complement home decor). You can also expect reduced litter scatter from your cat since the steps’ texture removes litter from their paws. Measuring in at almost two feet wide, it does take up a significant footprint that may not work in all homes. 

Helpful Review: “Well worth the price. My cat can easily enter and exit. He used without hesitation…a big bonus is my dog can no longer help himself to cat made tootsie rolls…Cat approved, dog disapproved…. Mommy delighted.”

Buy Now on Amazon for $49.87

Do you want to kick it up a notch and use a litter box that can double as a chic piece of furniture? This bench litter enclosure does just that! This item is an Amazon #1 seller, and with over 1200 reviews, many sing its praises.

The bench itself doesn’t come with a litter box but fits most standard size litter boxes. The interior is customizable with a removable partition that you can use to separate the litter box from supplies. With openings on both sides of the bench, you have the option of placing this piece against any wall that works in your home.

While technically a bench, it has a maximum weight capacity of 80 lbs, so it won’t hold most adults. Alternatively, you can use it as a decorative table.

Helpful Review: A must have if you have litter eating dogs…Love it so much…I also have two boarder [sic] collies that I rescued and they love cat litter. So I needed something that they could not get into. I did not put the extra shelf in the bench to make two areas. I have the bench inside wide open. I pushed the litter pan to the very back away from the opening and placed the bath mat in front of the litter pan. The dogs cannot put their whole head in and therefor [sic] no more worries. This is a must have for people with dogs that like to eat cat litter and for those messy cats that throw more litter out of the pan then they keep in.”

Buy Now on Amazon for $115.78

Your dog may be disappointed at first that he no longer has an all you can eat litter buffet, but ultimately his health will thank you. Your cat will appreciate a private bathroom, too.

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