Goldendoodle Puppies: Pictures And Facts


Who can resist the sweet nature of a Goldendoodle? The Golden Retriever-Poodle crossbreed is adorable, loyal, and a great option for allergy sufferers.

Thinking about adding a Goldendoodle puppy to the family? Here is everything you need to know about the Goldendoodle puppy personality.

Check out the adorable Goldendoodle puppy pictures above, then keep reading below to find out if you’re ready to adopt one of these adorable dogs! Here are some facts to help you decide.

1. They Come In A Variety Of Sizes, Hair Types, And Colors

Goldendoodle carrying her dinner bowl.

(Picture Credit: Jules Clark/Moment/Getty Images)

One of the best things about the Goldendoodle breed is how many variations are available. Typically, they come in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy.

The standard Goldendoodle is the most common. They are usually taller than a Golden Retriever and weigh somewhere between 50-70 pounds.

Mini Goldendoodles are often the result of a Golden Retriever being bred with a smaller Poodle. A Mini Goldendoodle puppy will grow to be somewhere between 30 and 45 pounds.

Toy Goldendoodles are roughly 15 – 20 pounds. While you may find a standard or mini Goldendoodle at your local rescue organization, toy Goldendoodles often require specific breeding standards and can only be acquired from a reputable breeder.

Given that a puppy of this breed can grow to be anywhere from 15 to 70 pounds, it is no wonder that they can also be found in a variety of colors. Depending on the parents, the puppies can be tan, white, ream, red, black, tawny, or somewhere in between.

Your new Goldendoodle puppy’s hair can also have one of three textures: straight, wavy, or curly. A straighter coat can come from the Golden Retriever parent. A wavy coat is a nice mix of the Poodle’s curls and the Retriever’s straight and soft fur. A curly coat will likely be the most hypoallergenic, as it comes from the Poodle.

2. They Tend To Live Long, Healthy Lives

Miniature goldendoodle puppy running in a dog park

(Picture Credit: nycshooter/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

As any owner of a purebred knows, a long lineage of small breeding pools can lead to a lifetime of physical ailments.

Fortunately, the Goldendoodle is created by cross-breeding the Golden Retriever and Poodle, making them “first generation dogs.” Some Goldendoodles are bred with other Goldendoodles, which makes them second generation dogs. Sometimes, they can even be “backcrossed“–when a Goldendoodle is bred with either a Golden Retriever or Poodle–in order to acquire a desired trait of one of the breeds.

Of course, just because you get a Goldendoodle puppy doesn’t mean it they aren’t going to cost you at the vet. They are not invincible and can get ill just like any other dog. Some Goldendoodles can be prone to Golden Retriever health issues, like hip and elbow disorders.

If you are looking to rescue a Goldendoodle from your local shelter, chances are they will not have their entire lineage on file. Your Goldendoodle may have some other breeds in their lineage, but that doesn’t make them any less of an amazing pup!

3. They Are A Smart And Friendly Breed

A little girl and her dog are laying together on the floor.

(Picture Credit: Diana Haronis/Moment/Getty Images)

Goldendoodles have one of the most easy-going temperaments out there.

According to the Goldendoodle Association of North America, they are “extremely social, outgoing, non-aggressive dogs that thrive on human companionship. They have a great desire to please and to learn.”

This is what makes Goldendoodles some of the best family dogs. Both the Golden Retriever and the Poodle have very loyal personalities. They are both quick to bond with their humans and thrive on human affection. They are both also fairly tolerant of the occasional rough-housing regarding children.

The Goldendoodle puppy is also a smart one, just like mom and dad. Canine psychologist Stanley Coren ranked the top ten smartest dog breeds. The Golden Retriever is placed at the fourth smartest breed. Coren ranked the Poodle the second smartest breed.

While ‘smart’ is relative to different breeds, it is pretty impressive that the Goldendoodle comes from what are considered the most intelligent breeds.

4. They Are A Fairly New Breed

(Picture Credit: sdominick/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

You may have wondered why you never saw a family with a Goldendoodle puppy as you were growing up.

If you were raised sometime before the 1990s, it’s because the breed didn’t even exist until then. While there is no exact date of origin, experts on the breed believe the first Goldendoodle litter came about in the early ’90s.

The trend likely started thanks in large part to the creation of the Labradoodle, the Labrador Retriever and Poodle designer crossbreed.

5. They Aren’t Hypoallergenic, But They Are Still Good For Allergy Sufferers

Goldendoodle Puppy Running In Grass

(Picture Credit: Brooke Anderson Photography/Moment/Getty Images)

Goldendoodles have a reputation for being the perfect dog for people who suffer from dog allergies. This is true in some capacity, but maybe not for what you think.

Goldendoodles are often touted as a hypoallergenic dog breed. No dog breed is technically hypoallergenic. If you are allergic to dogs, there is a chance your Goldendoodle could set you off sneezing.

The good news is thanks to the Goldendoodle’s low amount of shedding, they may be a better option for those with dog allergies.

Before you run out and bring home a Goldendoodle from your local rescue, though, be sure that the allergy sufferer in your home spends time with the dog before you take them home. Dogs, like people, are individuals, and while someone with allergies may be fine around one Goldendoodle, another one could potentially set off an allergic reaction.

6. Goldendoodles Are An Incredibly Popular Breed

Young Goldendoodle wadding in shallow water

(Picture Credit: nycshooter/iStock/Getty Images)

Goldendoodles are one of the most popular dog breeds in America, and for good reason. Who doesn’t want a smart, loyal, friendly, athletic dog who is also ideal for people with allergies?

Since they are so popular, finding a Goldendoodle at your local shelter might take a while.

There aren’t many Goldendoodle-specific rescues, but there are Poodle-mix rescues. You could always come across the perfect Goldendoodle for you at your local shelter or rescue group, as well.

If you are really hoping to quickly add a Goldendoodle to your life, a breeder may take just as long. Many reputable breeders have waitlists for people who want a Goldendoodle puppy.

Here at DogTime, we are strong believers in adopting your pets. If you really want get your own Goldendoodle, check at your local shelters and rescues before speaking with a breeder.

Are you thinking of getting your family a Goldendoodle puppy? If you are a Goldendoodle owner, do you have any advice for folks who want one? Let us know in the comments below!

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